Luca: Luca is sedated with a special ventilator which is allowing his lungs to take a break and get stronger without being worn out. He also is on medication to keep his blood pressure stable. He got a catheter this morning because the sedation is causing his muscles to not work. He's lost some weight because of this but it's just water and the doctor is okay with that because he is doing a great job producing urine. He also has been wearing his jaundice shades and light and has kept his level pretty steady so far. He got a heart echo (ultrasound on his heart) today due to the presence of a murmur. The murmur may be a valve that hasn't closed yet (usually closes within 24 hrs after birth in full term babies; very common for preemies). The results of the echo are not in yet. Other than that he spent the day holding hands with mom, dad and grandma Pat. Dad got to help check his diaper for changing and take his temperature today. Mom got to feed him his first "mommy noms" (breastmilk) by placing milk on a cotton swab and swabbing his cheeks. He didn't react to much (except holding fingers) today but that is part of the sedation for sure. All in all a much better day than yesterday- nice and calm day #2.
Anze: Anze is on a standard ventilator to help his lungs get some rest and not work so hard. He is also on medication to keep his blood pressure stable. With both of these he is somewhat sedated, but much more alert than his big brother. He has his cool jaundice shades and light and spent the day with his feet up on the pillow in the incubator looking like he was lounging by the pool. Yes, I took pictures of his feet up! He spent the day similar to his big brother; holding hands with mom, dad and grandma Pat. Mom changed his diaper and took his temp as well as fed him his first mommy noms. He actually reacted and sucked on the swab a bit. It was a wonderful sight to see and made mom and dad very proud. He had a very good day as well.
Yuri Jr: Yuri spent the morning with babcha and dido and the afternoon with grandma, poppy and auntie Glo. He was a happy, chatty boy today. He even got to take a trip to the hospital to visit mom and dad. He was super excited to see his mommy sitting up and able to play with him (as much as possible given staples and stomach pain!). Lots of hugs and kisses and cuddles for mom. He went home to be with daddy... his first time home since his brothers joined the family. He was happy to be home with his toys, his dog and his dad.
Mom and Dad: We are doing well. Every day is a new day and we are trying to prepare for whatever may arise and trusting in God to watch over our boys every step of the way and to guide the doctors in their care over them. We are so grateful for everyone that has shown support- it is truly appreciated! Here's to a wonderful day #3!!
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