They've gone by sooo fast but when it comes to holding your kids 16 days seems like a lifetime. Tonight I got to hold Luca for the very first time. His heart rate and blood pressure have been on the high side since coming off his vent and weening from his sedatives but as soon as the nurse set him on my chest he settled down. Amazing how much mommy's touch can change everything! Definitely an hour of my life I will never forget!
Both boys are holding their own (minus the help of the nasal air for Luca). They are both getting breastmilk via a feeding tube now and doing ok with that. Anze seems to be filling out more and more each day. Luca is playing catch up to his little brother and doing his best to promote to the big boy room!
All 3 boys got to visit with their godparents today- what wonderful friends we have chosen to be our children's godparents. Chris and JoJo love all our boys as if they were their own and we are so grateful to have them in our lives and the lives of our children.
Daddy's been working overtime and hasn't been able to get down to the hospital the past few days and is a very unhappy camper about not seeing his boys. Luckily, the Kings won game 2 in the quarterfinals tonight so that helped to cheer him up in some regard ;)
Mommy's been working to keep the house picked up. There's still A LOT of baby clothes to sort through and find storage for!! LOL... Sooner or later everything will find a home right?!?!
Grandma and Great Grandma starting working on the bedding for the 2nd crib today. I can't wait for it to be finished to take pictures of and post. I know it's going to turn out adorable.
Have a wonderful Palm Sunday! Love to all
My thoughts never leave me and your family remains strong in my heart!! I know Anze and Luca will be joining Mom, Dad, and Big Brother soon..I LOVE YOU ALL XXXXXXXOOOOOOO