Mommy went home today. Bittersweet but coming home to two boys makes it easier than if I were alone all day. Anze had a good day. He started to ween from both his dopamine and his ventilator. Hopefully he will be able to transition back to the oxygen mask in the next day or two. All of his stats, bloodwork, etc have been coming back great as well. He is doing very well. He also enjoys "lounging". He loves to sit with his legs hanging over his body pillow with his "shades" on as if he is hanging out by the beach. Momma loves the little feet hanging out!!
Luca had a harder day than Anze but a good day all the same. He got a blood transfusion(anon. as the donor center was not open over the weekend for anyone to give... paperwork should be at the hospital Tuesday for people to designate the boys... Anze can receive blood from any B or O donor and Luca can receive blood from everyone) today to keep his levels up (they have been borderline so the transfusion was just to help him out, not an emergency). He also got an xray to check his lungs which still show some fluid so he will stay on his super vent (called a jet and requires sedation) for a bit until his lungs clear. He also was scheduled for a repeat echo on his heart (either got it at night or will get it in the morning). This is going to check and see if the valve that didn't close has started to on its own or if they need to give him some medication to help it. It's crucial to get this closed so that his BP and other stats start improving. We hope it is closing on its own as they will have to keep him heavily sedated if he goes on the meds. He also gained about an ounce in the last day... :D
Mom hasn't seen her boys since the early morning. Planned to go visit on the night shift but fell asleep on the couch at home (who knew after 7 weeks being stuck on your bed or couch and you'd still want to come home to them?! Just proof that the hospital bed isn't the greatest!!). Daddy saw the boys in the afternoon and there wasn't any changes from the morning so we know they had a great night and start to Day 5.
PS- JR is loving having his mommy home. We walked down the block, swung on the swing, ate dinner together and enjoyed being able to finally interact together after 7 weeks of "separation". It's good to be home but we can't wait for everyone to be home and be a complete family of 5!
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