Our little DJ Master BBONE was promoted from the Most Intensive NICU room to the Intensive NICU room... Luca is now in a new room and doing fantastic. He is still on nasal cannula air but at a low flow and volume. He should be able to continue to ween off of it. He is having a hard time keeping all his food down (all babies spit up!) so they are increasing his feeds slowly but he is doing great overall. I actually was bedside during rounds and heard the doctor say she can hardly hear his murmur now!! Praise Jesus!!!
Anze is still lounging out in the Intermediate room just doing his thing. He will be on his full dose of feedings (30 ccs which is 1 oz) by the weeks' end. Tomorrow they will remove his IV lines and begin transitioning him to his big boy bed (this includes lowering the temp in the incubator, keeping the top off, etc to get him used to room air/temp). Tomorrow he gets his repeat head ultrasound to check on his IVH(Brain bleed). Prayers that it has continued to clot and heal itself!!
What a busy week it seems the twins have had... yet it's only Wednesday. Saturday the Easter bunny is visiting the NICU. I may even get to dress them up for their picture with him! I'm so thrilled that the hospital does this as I was so upset earlier in the week thinking they wouldn't get to have pictures with the Easter Bunny on their first Easter...
JR on the other hand won't be having pictures on his 2nd Easter it seems. Today, we took him and his best friend Jayne to get their pictures taken. Yurchik liked to play peek a boo with the bunny but not sit with the bunny and didn't get his picture taken. Jayne has one of her crying her head off (it now matches her 1st Santa picture!!). Perhaps we will try again later in the week. If not then I guess he just won't have one! Oh well...
We've had a busy week outside of the hospital as well. The twins' bedding has been made, Yurchik got to feed ducks and play on the playground at the park. It was so cute to watch him try to walk in the sand! We went to a new restaurant where mom realized she will never be able to eat out again with 3 kids! We haven't gotten much cleaning or organizing done but I'm sure it will be done someday... when the boys are 18 perhaps!
Who knows what the rest of the week has in store... :D
Love to all! Motruk x5
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