All the boys took pictures with the Easter Bunny today. 2/3 were quite cooperative! One not so much... LOL.
Jr had no problem being in the same room as the bunny but when you asked him to stand next to the bunny he totally freaked. It was cute and we got plenty of upset pictures to cherish (just like my mom does for me!). Jr wore a big brother shirt to compliment his younger brothers' matching 'little brother' outfits. He also got to make Easter crafts at the hospital and play in the sib room while mom took grandma Pat and Auntie Glo for a visit. We got home and took a nice nap before heading over to Bug's house for dinner (honey baked ham and sides) followed by egg dyeing and hunting. Yurchik thoroughly enjoyed throwing his eggs into the dye and breaking the shells. Both kids enjoyed running around the yard not playing with the eggs! In fact I think the moms picked up more eggs while the dads played catch or keep away from the toddlers. It was a nice day/evening but mom and dad are super tired!!
It was so much fun to dress ALL of my boys for their pictures. Luca got to wear his first outfit ever and slept through most of the dressing process. He was sleeping most of the time I was with him today unlike yesterday where he was awake and trying to check me out (including lift his head up to look at me). He was also being prepped to promote up to the same room as his brother! He is catching up in everything. He's now 4lbs even and eating only 10cc's less than his brother. So very exciting!!!

Anze was a sleepy4 lb 5oz boy today- I guess it was lazy Saturday at the NICU although in Anze's room there seemed to be the NICU Easter chorus going on since everyone seemed to be hungry or upset at once! Nice to hear the sounds of growing babies though! He didn't fuss too much getting dressed either. All in all a successful Easter Bunny adventures.

We hope that everyone has a wonderful Easter holiday... remember the true meaning of Easter and say an extra prayer thanking Jesus for all he has done for our family in the past few weeks alone! God Bless you all!!!
Scoobs, YOU look fantastic!!!!! Sweet story you told for today, I loved it! I don't blame Yurchik for being scarred of Bunnies; they're terrifying!!! Can't wait to see the rest of those pix!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like a great day overall, I'm so very proud of you all, it's beyond words. Tell all my grand-dudes that I love them, please! Let Daddy Yuri know the same, and as for YOU, goes without saying (at least it should!). I LOVE YOU!!!!! Happy Easter XXXXXXXOOOOOOO
ReplyDeletePanzer, chase the bunny! ILU
what a wonderful easter gift! love you all dearly pia