Boys will be boys

Boys will be boys

Saturday, September 17, 2011

More laughter and a few mommy tears

Luca has been gurgling for a few weeks. It's the silliest baby sound ever. It's like he's grunting and giggling at the same time. I love to tickle him and watch his face as he just hasn't quite known how to react...until Wednesday. Wednesday Chris and Joanne (their godparents) came over for a visit. While Jo was playing with Luca he started laughing. Full on, 100% laughing. I was so excited. It was a joyous sound and godmom was super excited to be given the gift of the first real laugh. Now all 3 of our boys crack up together and we are finding ourselves doing some of the silliest things to get them all going! We are having so much fun with our boys and are so very blessed to have them all.

Everyone is doing well. The twins are around 12 lbs each and Jr is almost to 30. He is talking more and more; every day a new word. He loves dinosaurs and all things with wheels and screeches "HuH?!?!?!" when he sees them on tv or on the road. He hasn't quite mastered car or truck but he does say "That's a dinosaur" whenever he sees one. He's great on identify his favorite things; juice, cheese, shoes, fork, water, crackers, fish, brothers are all on the current favorite words to say list. Those he uses on a consistent basis. He has tons of other words he uses sporadically. He is very well mannered as "thank you" is his most common and most often used phrase. He is even sure to remind you to "say thank you" when you should! His proud mama moment this week however had to be when he said "love you". He didn't say it to me or to dad or to his brothers he just chimed in when Yuri and I said it to each other. I was so excited... he has yet to say it again but I keep pestering! (perhaps that's why he won't say it again!!!).

The twins are still doing some PT/OT and are starting to make headway in their developmental milestones. They go for an evaluation at the end of the month to see how they are progressing. Their OT thinks they are doing great and we are very proud of them. They are also being dedicated on the 25th at my mom's church in Whittier since we have yet to take them to any church yet it should be an interesting experience. We aren't sure where God wants our home church to be at this time and are constantly praying for Him to lead us where He wants us to go but we know the RCCI family and the Pastors graciously offered to dedicate the twins for us. We are very excited to share the day with the RCCI family and all of our family and friends. If you'd like to join us you can email me for the information.

On a personal note, I accepted a part time teaching position at the school I've worked at for the past 3 years. I am teaching 3rd grade with a great teacher. She works on Mon and Tues whereas I work Thur Fri and we alternate Wed. It's nice to only have to go to work a few days while being able to bring in some extra money for the family as we have struggled since my bedrest last February. It definitely takes a bit of the financial burden off of Yuri's shoulders. He is sacrificing his "weekends off" to take Wed and Thurs off to watch the boys and Nina; his mom, has graciously given up her Fridays to take care of the boys. It's truly a blessing that we didn't need to find a sitter and that daddy and babcha can get some extra time with the kids. This was my first week and it was rough on me. I came home today and Jr was able to reach the doorknob and open the door of his room. I don't know when he grew tall enough to do that but I know he wasn't doing it on Wed when I was home. I worry I'm going to miss all the milestones being at work now and that breaks my heart a bit. I just have to remind myself that God has a plan and working these few days is helping not hindering my family. I'm truly grateful for the opportunity to further my career and to do it at a place I love with people I love and consider family. I was saddened to not return to work and see them consistently and my heart is truly overjoyed to do that now. I'm also happy for the adult time sans kids (even if it's still spent with other people's kids!). I will miss my mommy play group and my daily play time with Jr's best friend Jayne (and her mommy) but it's only half the week so we will still have plenty of free time to play! I'm just taking everything one day at a time. Here's to a wonderful weekend!

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