Here's photos from our adventures!!
We took the kids to a place I've been wanting to go to for forever. It was awesome and probably my favorite activity from the trip. Here we are at an indoor kid science lab. All the coats, eye wear, and science supplies are provided in your admission. You can stay for an hour or all day and try 30 different experiments. The kids had a blast making a battery with a potato, Mentos with coke explosion, alka seltzer "bombs", and a few other fun experiments. 

We took the kids bowling for the first time. It was hilarious and they loved it and asked to do it every day! They loved pushing the ball down the ramp and running away. They each scored a strike or spare. Lots of fun!
We went to the Natural Science Museum which was a huge hit. You can't go wrong with sharks, dinosaurs, space and butterflies. That's as far as we got in the museum! There's so much more we never make it through the entire place in one visit!

We drove down the Galveston on what was supposed to be the nice day in the week and it didn't get nice until we were leaving. We had fun anyway. We took a DUKW tour and the kids thought it was pretty awesome that the truck turned in to a boat. We also checked out the rainforest pyramid exhibit and saw a lot of exotic plants and animals.