Boys will be boys

Boys will be boys

Monday, August 12, 2013


Today, I find myself googling preschool... supply lists, transition ideas, countdowns, etc... My little boy asked to go to real school not "mommy school" and we obliged. AHHHHH My baby is going to preschool... Yes, it's only 2 days a week and only a few hours a day but it will be the first time he's ever gone off somewhere that wasn't church, a friends' home, etc... I can't believe he's almost four and heading to school. I'm sure I'm more nervous, anxious, excited than he is though! I have all these thoughts and plans and ideals for what school will be like, what it should be like, etc...Maybe it's the teacher in me, the mom in me or both.

So now I find myself stuck in this rut. What do I do with the twins while Jr is in school? I don't want to be stuck at home waiting for him but at the same time I have a small sense of guilt taking the twins places without him. I know it will be good for Yurchik to be in school and away from his brothers (and me) and it will be nice to have some time just with Luca and Anže...I guess I'm just stuck in my own head on making the best decisions for my boys. I know deep down any decision I make will still create happy memories and that's what I'm trying to focus on.

When I can't focus...I try to pick out a first day of preschool outfit. Should he wear pants to go on the play equipment outside and not burn himself or shorts so he isn't hot. What will I pack him for lunch every day? He's such a picky eater. What about going to the bathroom? I don't want him to be nervous...AHHH... My blog doesn't even make sense! It's a mish mosh of rambled thoughts...

I didn't realize it was affecting me this much!!